LearnKey Blog

Learnkey Giveaway- Winner and New Question!

Tricky Trivia Logo

Hey, hey… It’s that time again!

First, CONGRATULATIONS to Kamaldeen Tantolohun for being the winner of last week’s Trivia Question!! The answer to the question (In one keyboard step how can you remove all formatting from a text without using your clear formatting button from the ribbon?) is….  CONTROL + SPACEBAR. Great Job Kamaldeen!

Second, here are the rules for this week’s question…

Just answer the question correctly in the comments to be eligible to win (open to North America residents only. Sorry, overseas shipping costs are outrageous!). Once you’ve submitted the correct answer in your comment, we’ll have a drawing and randomly pick a winner. The winner, who will be contacted via email by a LearnKey staff member, will be posted next Thursday, along with a new trivia question for the week.

Here we go!

In “The 10 Commandments of a PC Tech” with Mike Meyers, what are the 2nd, the 4th and the 10th commandments? You can watch the video here (but be sure to leave you answer on this post)!


This week’s prize: A LearnKey branded 1GB flash drive!!


Contest run time: Thursday June 24th- Wednesday June 30th

Winner posted: Thursday July 1st

*In order to receive prize notification, you must provide a valid email address with your comment*

PowerPoint 2010- Broadcast Slide Show

Michael Meskers is back in the LK house and is in the midst of filming our PowerPoint 2010 training! We always enjoy working with Michael. He really knows his stuff!

Speaking of PowerPoint 2010, did you know that it has the capability to broadcast presentations over the Internet for remote view or for viewers over the network?  All you need is a Windows Live ID! How cool is that?

All you need to do is open a presentation in PowerPoint, start a broadcast, and share the unique link PowerPoint provides with your audience. Then anyone, anywhere who is listening to your presentation via phone or conference call can open the link and see your slide show in their Web browser. Whenever you change a slide or start an animation their view is updated automatically.

Very cool.

Check out the PowerPoint Team Blog to learn more about it.

CS5 Contest- Be a part of our CS5 Training!

To all of our Photoshop users out there…

We’re having a contest in which YOU could be a part of our CS5 Training!

Here are the rules:

1-    Create a piece of digital art using Photoshop and the 3 images that are provided below. You may incorporate other images as well, but the 3 provided images must be used in your composition to be eligible to win.

2-    You must email your finished product to contest@learnkey.com by no later than July 5th at 12:00 pm

The winner of the contest will be selected by LearnKey and the winning digital art, along with the winner’s name, will be announced and integrated in our Photoshop CS5 training. The winner (and also the 2nd and 3rd place winners) will also receive a LearnKey t-shirt! The contest is open to anyone, but due to outrageous overseas shipping costs, t-shirts will only be awarded to residents of North America.

If you have any other questions about the contest, please email us at contest@learnkey.com or leave your question in the comments and we’ll answer promptly.

You may download the full-sized images by clicking here- CS5 Contest Pics

Collapse blocks. 3d cubes.



We’re anxious to see what you’ll come up with… GOOD LUCK!

LearnKey employees are welcome to join in the fun (on your own time of course), but will be ineligible to win.

“Train the planet”

LearnKey is helping people to succeed all over the world!

In fact just today, as I was working on this post and preparing it to be published, I received this email from one of our clients. It fits perfectly with the promotional video I was uploading to our blog (see below) and expresses exactly what I was trying to convey, only this is from an actual student- probably in training as I type this.

Here’s what this person had to say:

Dear LearnKey,

I am really enjoying the LearnKey/ExamForce OnlineExpert on Microsoft Office 2007 program.  It is awesome!  What is really great is that I can do it from home.  I don’t have to get dressed up, comb my hair, drive someplace and wait on an instructor (who is probably old, boring, with a long beard and bad breath!).   All I have to do is walk into the next room and turn on my computer.  How easy is that!?!  I can learn in my pajamas, with my slippers on or however I want to be dressed…

Continue reading ““Train the planet””

LearnKey Giveaway

Tricky Trivia Logo

It’s that time again!

All you have to do is answer the trivia question correctly to be eligible to win. Once you’ve submitted the correct answer in your comment, we’ll have a drawing and randomly pick a winner. The winner, who will be contacted via email by a LearnKey staff member, will be posted next Thursday, along with a new trivia question for the week. Basically, we’re only posting trivia questions and results on Thursdays from now on. Make sense?

Alright then… Here we go!

Since we’re currently filming the Word 2010 training, our author Mandi Bergenfeld submitted today’s Tricky Trivia question. Here it is:

In one keyboard step how can you remove all formatting from a text without using your clear formatting button from the ribbon?


Contest run time: Thursday June 17th- Wednesday June 23rd

Winner posted: Thursday June 24th

This week’s prize: A sweet LearnKey lanyard and a $5 Starbucks gift-card!!


*In order to receive prize notification, you must provide a valid email address with your comment*

Personalizing Internet Explorer 8: Font Settings


The customization of your web experience continues! This time we’re focusing on how to customize your font settings in Internet Explorer 8, as seen here:

Remember, if you want to go back and watch any previous videos, just click on that “Windows 7 Training” link in the navigation on the side. From there we are linking to all of the Windows 7 series videos we post. Also be sure to keep watch for new clips (almost) daily!