United Federation Teachers union formally announces NICE initiative and LearnKey was there!
Two weeks ago Kim Johnson and I had the pleasure of attending the formal announcement of the UFT’s newest CTE initiative, “National Industry Certification for Educators,” (NICE) in New York City at the UFT Headquarters. It was great to attend the actual press conference where UFT President Michael Mulgrew along with Partnership for New York City President and CEO Kathryn Wylde, Mayor Bill de Blasio and AFT President Randi Weingarten.
We also attended a round table discussion to discuss how the model involves working closely with industry partners to provide educators with access to courses designed by industry partners so that they can earn industry credentials that meet established standards.
Four “boot camps” will launch this summer to certify 100 teachers in graphic arts, automotive technology, educational technology, and information technology. Those teachers will then share what they learned with their colleagues in an effort to create a cadre of industry-trained instructors.
LearnKey has been selected to work with the UFT teacher center in producing curricula and provide online resources that teachers can access and utilize through the program so they can be successful in the program. Sterling Roberson, Vice President of CTE for the UFT has been working on this program well over a year and it’s great to see him be acknowledged for his efforts. He also made an announcement regarding the NICE initiative back in February during the CTE annual awards presentations.
I want to recognize and congratulate Kim Johnson, our very own Director of Client Services, for her hard work in spear heading and producing the NICE initiatives first teaching project (Excel workbook) in collaboration with NICE advisory board members.
We will continue to share our involvement in the program and keep you posted on our progress!
Jeff Coruccini