LearnKey Blog
Dreamweaver MX 2004
Adobe’s newest version of Dreamweaver is CS4 (Creative Suite), which is sometimes unofficially identified as the 10th version of Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver MX 2004 would be the 7th version, so it clearly is a little behind the times. If you don’t have a version of Dreamweaver by all means spend the $399 to get the new one. But if you are on a budget and happen to still be running your old Dreamweaver MX 2004, you may be happier with a $34.95 price to help you make the best use of the software you are already using.
The Art of Meetings
Not many people know this about me because I keep a real tight lid on it, but I hate meetings. I find them to be the single biggest impediment to my job. Nothing irritates me more than to have to stop working on a project so I can give a status report in a meeting about why the project is not done yet. “It’s because I am here talking about it instead of where I should be, doing it.”
How Great is Your IT Department?
For a tax preparer, it is an audit. For an athlete it’s the big game. For a chef, it’s a food critic. Many jobs have an ultimate test of strength and skill. A test to prove you have what it takes to continue doing what you do. For the IT department it is a server upgrade. What does it take for an IT department to change and move services to ensure that customers have adequent and reliable services when they need them? To the IT department it means they’ve got work ahead of them to do. Work that cannot fail, that has to be implemented in the best timeline, with a perfect failover in case it doesn’t work and the time set aside to make sure that the mission critical server upgrades are seemly transparent to implementation. This is when the super heroes really shine, where all the IT skills and learning pays off.
Windows Virtual Machine : What do you want to pretend today?
For children, a favorite game starts out with the magical words “Let’s pretend.” In fact almost every childhood game has an element of pretending to it. We can be astronauts, or generals commanding an army of plastic soldiers, or fairy princesses, whatever strikes our fancy. However, as we grow up and are reprogrammed at learning facilities we learn stuff like the scientific method, and the truth about Santa Claus, and we find that the capability for serious pretending fades into obscurity.
Luckily the folks at VMWare and Windows Virtual Machine, stubbornly held on. They said, “Let’s pretend we have 7 servers, even though we really only have one.” But instead of calling it “pretending” they called it “virtualization”. Then to really celebrate the concept, they built a variety of software packages, and developed an exam so that you can get certified in pretending virtualization.
Continue reading “Windows Virtual Machine : What do you want to pretend today?”
A+ 2009 Webisode #5
We are reaching the halfway point and Mike is beginning to wonder if he might have exceeded his reach.
Poster Contest
For four years now Learnkey has offered a scholarship program to help worthy high school students achieve technical certifications for highly used software programs in the business world.
Only 3 schools will be chosen, and each school will be represented by 10 students. So this is the kind of scholarship where students should appeal to their schools to apply, as individual submissions will not be accepted.
Submissions must be in by Oct 14th, that gives you … two days. If that’s all you need to know, go submit your scholarship application now.
If more convincing is required, read this (straight from our newsletter)
Applying leadership principles at home.
Many times over the course of my life I have heard the phrase, “That man is a born leader”, but never have I heard “that person is a born manager”, nor a “born supervisor”, nor even a “born boss”.
Ordinarily such a thing would be of little to no interest to me, but my wife was out of town for a couple of weeks, and as I struggled with the complexities of getting my children to school on time, and cleaning the house, and making food, and generally not destroy anything, I found my leadership skills called into question. I watched a training video from our Management and Leadership series titled Quality Focused Supervision. It trains on “influence-style leadership”, which focuses on influencing your employees with praise and good listening skills. This I had to try. After watching the video a couple of times I went home and called a family council with my 3 sons. I set them down and calmly explained that the house was a filthy disgusting rat hole of doom and decay, and that a change was needed. They didn’t much care, but seemed ok with the idea. Then I suggested that they would each be responsible for part of the process. This didn’t go over well. I tried to address their concerns, but it turned out their concerns were that they did not want to do anything, but hang around in their underwear all day and play guitar hero. We were at a bit of an impasse. Had I followed the advice of the training module, I would have had no choice left but to fire them.
This is when a stroke of brilliance struck me. I turned to my oldest son (who is 18) and pointed out that if he was not on board with the family cleaning, cooking, and caretaking schedule he was certainly old enough to find lodging elsewhere. It was heartwarming how quickly he remembered his familial obligations and volunteered to pitch in; truly heartwarming. Unfortunately my other sons are 10 and 8. Legally I cannot make the same offer to them. I bought them a couple of pack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and taped them to the ceiling and told them they could have them as soon as the chores were done. (The training does not specifically suggest offering your employees Yu-Gi-Oh cards.)
Anyway, the news is the children pitched in and a semblance of order was restored, and when my wife came home….well I guess my cleaning standards don’t really match up to hers, but that’s not the point. The point is that I found a way to influence my children to do what was needed without having to threaten them.
(except for the part about kicking out my 18 year old.)… Ok maybe I need to watch the training again. I’ll let you know if I learn anything new.
Are You Leadership Material?
There is no direct correlation between being appointed to a position of authority and having leadership skills. In fact, as you think over your previous job assignments you may recall a number of people who you would have followed even though they were not appointed over you. You may also recall a number of supervisors that you had no desire to support. Leadership is a skill. Do you have it?
T-Shirt Winner
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Tshirt slogan poll. The finished product appears below.
The design may change slightly from what is pictured, but you get the idea. Contestants are being contacted via the email addresses they submitted from so we can get the prizes out and give them proper credit.