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24 thoughts on “Poster Contest”

  1. Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!”

    1. Thank you Sandman this is a wonderful example of how not to enter. It is imperative that you indicate which poster your phrase is to be applied to (even if it seems obvious). It is also imperative that you provide us with an “original” phrase which we define as “a phrase you came up with yourself”. It is highly suggested that your phrase be no longer than 20 words. Other than those minor things this is a great entry. Sadly two of these infractions have caused us to disallow your entry. Please try again.

  2. This one is for the poster with the (ROAD SIGNS!!!)
    When you come across an obsticle rely on your training to direct you home.

  3. Image2

    To be successful one must shoot straight and kill that big buck on opening morning of the deer hunt.

  4. Image1,

    Road signs are like books.
    GPS units are like elearning.
    Trust LearnKey we will guide you to your destination.

  5. Image 1

    It doesn’t matter which direction you take in life as long as the road you take leads you to success.

  6. Image #2 : Success is peeking through your door, will you let it in?
    Image #1 : Too many directions, not enough road.

  7. Image 1
    In a world of choices, choose to learn.

    Image 2
    You have to unlock the door to your own success.

  8. Image 1
    “The road to success can be confusing, but with the right tools, you will arrive at your destination.”

  9. Image 2

    “The key to success, is defined by what you learn on the journey of achieving it.”

  10. Image one-“So many directions, only one correct way.”

    Image two-“So many doors, but you only have one key to your future. Exceed to achieve.”

  11. #1 – Don’t get confused by the clutter in life. Life is not the destination – it is the journey.

    #2 – Success if finding the right key to unlock your dreams.

  12. Image #1-
    At the crossroads of life, Learning will map your destination.

    Image #2-
    Education is the keyhole through which you can glimpse the future.

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