LearnKey Blog

Are You Leadership Material?

There is no direct correlation between being appointed to a position of authority and having leadership skills.  In fact, as you think over your previous job assignments you may recall a number of people who you would have followed even though they were not appointed over you.  You may also recall a number of supervisors that you had no desire to support.  Leadership is a skill.  Do you have it?

T-Shirt Tag Line Contest

09-09-09 Tag-Line Contest
Win a free t-shirt!
Your tag-line here

Submit your tag-line in the comments section. The top five tags will be published on our website and a second vote will determine our winner. All five of the tags chosen will receive a free t-shirt with the winning tag featured on the shirt. Keep in mind the vision of LearnKey, and be creative!

The deadline for submissions is Friday, Sept 18, so submit your ideas today!


Microsoft Word 2003 demo

Some people are still using Word 2003 and it is to those select individuals that I dedicate this entry today. You see I was one of those people who heard the word Macro only as something that helps viruses (viri?) spread. But much to my surprise, that was not Microsoft’s original intention. No a macro is supposed to be a time saving device that helps folks such as you and I automate tasks that we may do on a regular basis. Like if you find that you frequently use the phrase “nasty as I wanna be” in your writing, you can create a macro that will allow you to use a simple two to three keystroke sequence that types the entire phrase for you. And it’s repeatable meaning you can use it as often as you may want.

nasty as I wanna be. nasty as I wanna be. nasty as I wanna be.

see? Much simpler than taking the time to type your oft used phrase. There may be better examples of how to use macros, but I can’t think of one right now. So let me provide you with a video that shows one. (It also kinda shows how to create macros at the same time, so bonus.).

… oh one more thing before you watch. If you happen to be one of those folks still using Office 2000. You may be more interested in our clearance items .

Ohio ACTE. Wouldn’t it be great?

Wouldn’t it be great if the teachers, counselors, and administrators responsible for our children’s education would get together and discuss ways to help students pursue their educational and career passions?  Wouldn’t it be great if it were happening in Ohio, on Sept 18?  Wouldn’t it be great if LearnKey was there?  Life is great!