LearnKey Blog

LearnKey, now a Better Learning Systems company

Good news, everyone! It was just announced that LearnKey is now a Better Learning Systems company.

What does this mean for you? As a parent company, Better Learning Systems oversees three brands – LearnKey, LearnCast, and Predix. Each company will continue to operate with their current branding, but the new partnership allows us to expand each others’ offerings in a way we could have never done before. LearnKey customers now have access to LearnCast’s mobile learning and publishing platform, and the Know Your Talents™ behavioral learning system powered by Predix.

Continue reading “LearnKey, now a Better Learning Systems company”

LearnKey Team Members who Really Shine!

At LearnKey we are very excited for 2012, and there is no better way to start the year then to share our most recent Employee of the Month winners. Success in any organization starts with great people and I am really pleased to take a moment and share some insight about these two great individuals.

First I want to recognize Levi Williams, a great example of “can do attitude”! It does not matter if he’s helping one of our K-12 customers with IT questions, or internal team members with basic questions. He is always wanting to help out in anyway he can. He was named employee of the month for December 2011 and nominated by several team members for his constant display of our core values around: trust, value and ease.  Levi works out of our St. George, UT supporting our IT needs.

The second team member, Sharlinda Jessup, out of our Cedar City, UT office, has been named the employee of the month for January 2012.  Sharlinda embodies our core value of trust in everything she does. No matter what assignment, she can always be trusted to get it done quickly and with minimum direction. She has gained the trust of every employee she has interacted with in her time at LearnKey, and she responds to that trust whenever she is asked to do something. Shar’s commitment and work ethic provides a level of ease to our process which is unmatched.

I can not convey enough how the entire team at LearnKey is so proud to have Levi and Sharlinda supporting our customers and what an impact their combination of “can do attitude” and “commitment” means to our company.  Be sure to check back, as February is right around the corner!

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

At the beginning of every year, people from all over the world make a vow to improve their lives. Sure, you can say things like “I’m losing weight!” or “I’m going to exercise more!” like millions of others, but unfortunately most people don’t stick with it. So, with typical New Year’s Resolution failure rates extremely high, why not try something new this year – get a certification or gain a new job skill.

As several studies in the past few years have concluded, employers claim they can’t find enough qualified people to fill the available jobs. If there is a lack of qualified job candidates, that means the qualified ones will stand out even more than before. That means that if you’re qualified, your chance at landing the job you’re after just skyrocketed.

See for yourself – take a look at the job results when you search for “A+ Certification”.

Want to learn Adobe Photoshop? Here are some jobs requiring Photoshop skills.

Mobile apps are huge right now – and they all need skilled developers to create them. Here are some Mobile App Developer jobs.

I’m not going to lie, mastering a new skill and gaining a certification takes dedication and focus. It’s not something you can set aside an hour every few weeks to work on, you really have to work at it. The same rule applies to pretty much anything that will improve your life, though. Want to lose weight? You’re going to have to put some serious time in at the gym and watch what you eat. Working out for a few minutes once every two months won’t cut it.

So if you really want to work on adding new skills to your résumé, why not get started now? Who knows, maybe once you land that new job, you’ll get more free time to focus on some of your previous resolutions!

21st Century Tools Put Students in Charge of Their Learning

As most educators now know, using technology can increase student engagement in your classroom – but how can utilizing these tools in your classroom put students in charge of their learning? There are so many free tools available over the Internet that can be utilized in the classroom to empower students, and selecting the right tools will be dependent upon what tools your students are interested in, and what your goals are for particular lessons.

The great thing about using online tools is that everybody’s voice is the same volume, which creates the feeling that all ideas are equal. This can inspire students to share openly. Students may be more active in online forums because they feel more comfortable using them. They might make some students to share and actively participate in discussions that they may not take part in if it were an in-person discussion. These tools are the tools that students use outside of the classroom, so why not find a way to use those same tools in teaching?

Blogs and wikis are both great tools you can use to empower students. These tools are great because they are collaborative and students get the chance to have their voice heard. In one of my classes we use both blogs and wikis. We have small groups, and each one of the group members had to create our own blog. Each week we have a big idea question we have to write about on our blog, then we visit each one of our group members blogs and comment on what they posted. Our class wiki is created with the idea that students will reference the resource throughout the course. To build the wiki each student is responsible for finding five resources on a particular subject and citing the resource as well as summarizing information from the resource. Both tools have proved to be very beneficial from a learner’s perspective.

Salt Lake City Trip

I recently had the opportunity to travel up to our Salt Lake City offices to see the production studio. I had heard stories about how impressive our blue screen was, but really I had no idea just how big it really was. I have heard that our production studio has the largest blue screen in the Salt Lake Valley, and I can see why. I was only there for a short time, but it is quite the experience in our studio and I actually got to do a little bit of filming.

It is a full studio with all of the cameras lights and expected equipment. The Salt Lake Production team was great and made me feel very comfortable. The filming went smoothly and was a lot of fun, hopefully it turns out okay and they don’t have to do too much editing. You will have to stay tuned to see which course I am making a cameo in!

LearnKey Holiday Hours

Good news, everyone! It’s late December, which means it’s the time of year filled with food, family, holiday cheer, and odd business hours.

LearnKey’s Holiday Business Hours

While you can still access your OnlineExpert courses over the holidays, our sales and support staff will not be available outside of these times:

Normal business hours:
Sales: Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm MT
Support: Mon – Fri 6am – 6pm MT

Friday, December 23: Closed at 2pm MT

Monday, December 26: Closed

Friday, December 30: Closed at 1pm MT

Monday, January 2: Closed

We hope everyone has a great end of the year. Be sure to eat plenty of holiday snacks and drink plenty of eggnog, because pretty soon everyone will have to start their New Year’s resolutions to go on a diet!

Barbeque and an Arch – ACTE 2011 Recap

Recently I traveled to the annual ACTE conference that was held in St. Louis, MO. I traveled with all guys from our company, and it has been pretty interesting trying to keep them all on task and under control!


It was a great experience; we arrived on Tuesday afternoon and had a great evening relaxing after our long day of traveling that consisted of a two hour car ride to the Las Vegas Airport, about a minute train ride to the gate, then a three hour flight to St. Louis, a five minute bus ride to the rental car counter, and a fifteen minute drive to the hotel. Yes, you read that right; excluding a boat we pretty much covered all modes of transportation.

Set-up and event

The next day it was time to head over to the booth and set-up. Everything went well and thanks to Kari, our graphic designer, the booth we have takes about an hour to set-up. As we headed out to the parking garage, we noticed a sign that said cash only. Living in the modern age that we do it was shocking and of course we had no cash on us. Well we talked the nice parking attendant (I won’t name her just in case her boss by a small chance reads this) into letting us out on the honor that we would bring her back the two dollars we owed her. We went and got some supplies and brought the money right back to her.

That night we held a reception at our hotel; it went off without a hitch and everyone had a great time. So thank you to everyone who attended the event and to everyone who helped make it a success!

Show Time and chow

So on Thursday it was time to get down to business and start talking with all of the wonderful educators that made it out to this year’s show. It was a great show with a lot of enthusiastic people and a great energy. People were loving the giveaways, and of course gobbling up the Dots candies that we put out.

After a really long day on our feet, we all decided that when in St. Louis you better eat some BBQ. So we asked around and got a tip that Pappy’s Smokehouse was the best place in town, but that we better make it there pretty early because once they run out of stuff it is just gone. We got lost, but eventually found our way there and boy was it worth it. We ordered the Adam Bomb named after Adam Richmond from the television show Man vs. Food. It was a lot of really good food and we all ate way too much, but everyone was in consensus that they would recommend it to anyone who ever visits St. Louis. The food was so good that we ended up getting another Adam Bomb for take out on Friday.

We made our way back home and back to the LearnKey offices. Sad to leave our new friends and the great food, but excited to be back home!

A few pictures from the event:

LearnKey Supports Fight Against Bullying

In our support of the fight against bullying, we are giving all of our education customers our Bullying: You Don’t Have To Take It Anymore course for free! Over the last few years a light has been put on the problems that young men and women face because of bullying. This light has given us an idea of just how bad the problem really is.

We are giving our support in hopes that this course will be used as a tool to help kids understand how they can help stop bullying in their schools. The more kids understand and know the more they will be able to recognize bullying and help put a stop to it.

*Edit 1/31/12*
Our current Education customers should already see our “Bullying…” course in their library. If you are not a current LearnKey customer and are interested, call 1.800.865.0165 or leave a comment on this blog (using a valid name and email address) and we’ll send you access to the course absolutely free.

Read the full press release here:

LearnKey’s Efforts to Support the Fight Against Bullying with Online Training

St. George, UT- January 30, 2012- LearnKey, an online training company based in Utah, has announced that all educators will have access to their Bullying: You Do Not Have to Take It Anymore course for free.

The company is showing support for the fight against bullying by supplying all of their education customers with the course for free. In addition if there are any educators that are not current customers who are interested in the course, the company will give you free access to the course as well.

In recent years the concern over bullying that is taking place in schools has been spotlighted by the media, and schools are responding with new programs to help eliminate bullying. LearnKey is hoping that, by offering this free tool, they are helping to do their part in the fight against bullying.

“Studies show child/teen bullying and cyberbullying are at an all-time high and as many as 160,000 students stay home on any given day because they fear being bullied,” said LearnKey CEO Jeff Coruccini. “We have a responsibility to support the fight against bullying and this is our way of supporting that cause”.

For more information about LearnKey or the Bullying: You Do Not Have to Take It Anymore course, please contact us at 800.865.0165.

About LearnKey
Established in 1987, LearnKey is self-paced online and offline training for corporate, education, government and personal users. LearnKey has decades of experience in the professional development arena. LearnKey offers interactive, engaging, and flexible training that is accessible anytime, anywhere. LearnKey course concentration areas include Networking, IT Technical, Web & Graphic Design, Leadership, Management, Safety and Compliance, Medical CE, K12 and Character Development.

When it comes to learning – Our employees lead the way

As you know, LearnKey is all about creating premium video course ware, so you could say learning is what we do. With that said, it’s always great to catch one of our very own employees learning something new.

Recently Sheena Chamberlain from our Cedar City office was named the November employee of the month for learning our new mobile technology with LearnCast. She was selected as part of an initiative to integrate our new mobile learning platform into LearnKey. In just a short period of time she has created two courses, Bullying: You Do Not Have to Take it Anymore and a QuickBooks demonstration. Again demonstrating our core values, Sheena quickly gained the trust of LearnCast’s founder Dave Clemons by jumping in and learning how to re-purpose content and distribute it to any device . Not only has Sheena learned this new technology, she also continues to do her other job supporting our technical writers and designers. For those of you that don’t know Sheena very well, we have asked her to answer a few questions that might give you a little insight into just the type of person Sheena is.

Continue reading “When it comes to learning – Our employees lead the way”

LK Designer by Day…Illustrator by Night

I joined the Design Team at Learnkey in 2009, and in doing so, I like to feel that I brought a new and unique approach the team. You see, although I work as a Designer that would be a secondary definition to my artistic strengths. I am primarily an Illustrator, and even more specifically a Comic-book Illustrator.

Comic books, graphic novels, comic strips, and the like are some of the best ways to tell a story in my opinion. Comics go beyond words on a page, and in some respects go beyond some of the limitations of film-making. It is a unique and treasured storytelling medium to me and to many others! I have illustrated many small comic books as personal projects, and have been commissioned to do illustrations for clients. You can check out samples of those works here at my personal website.

Continue reading “LK Designer by Day…Illustrator by Night”