LearnKey Blog

It’s coming – New IC3 GS5 video training and assessments

At LearnKey we are super excited about producing the new IC3 GS5 training and assessments through our video-based training courseware that covers 100% of the objectives to help you learn and pass the Certiport IC3 certification exam.

Our expert knows IC3, which is why we are proud to introduce Wyett Ihler as our IC3 GS5 expert for this course, and the entire team members supporting him in the production of this course are all IC3 certified! Wyett is a certified LearnKey expert who has assisted in the publishing process on hundreds of LearnKey courses. His kind spirit & knowledge coupled with the way he communicates are great qualities that will come across throughout the course.

Another positive about this production is our IC3 GS5 New and Improved Course is based on feedback from students and teachers so we can achieve our mission, which is to drive the ultimate learning experience! Benefits of IC3 GS5 are:

  • 100% IC3 objective-based
  • Simplified and streamlined presentation
  • Written, created, and presented by IC3 Certification holders
  • Course will be offered as three separate courses matching the IC3 exam. (Key Applications, Computer Fundamentals, and Living Online)
  • Includes inline quizzes and activities to keep your knowledge in check
  • Comprehensive student workbook providing real world application projects

At LearnKey, a Better Learning Systems company, we will continue to work with industry experts and partners to ensure our courseware has the perfect mix of training, pre and post assessments, and exam simulations to meet not only our education (K-12 & Higher Ed) clients but also industry teachers and military students so they can obtain their dream job and career!


Coming soon will be some back stories on what the author, writers, designers, and production team are doing to make this real fun too!

New Course Release: Windows Server 2012 Advanced Server Infrastructure Implementation

Check out our new Windows Server 2012 Advanced Server Infrastructure Implementation course.

In LearnKey’s Windows Server 2012 Advanced Server Infrastructure Implementation course, students will learn the skills required to design, implement, and maintain a Windows Server. Join LearnKey expert Jason Manibog as he prepares students to become competent in designing, deploying, and maintaining a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure service. This course will prepare students to take exam 70-414.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

CompTIA Linux+ Certification Training Courses Released

LearnKey’s CompTIA Linux+ Part I LX0-103 & CompTIA Linux+ Part II LX0-104 certification training courses will provide students with the knowledge they need to feel confident and prepared when they take their certification exams. Earning a Linux+ certification is perfect for those who are interest in obtaining a job in web or systems/network administration.

Linux+ Part I (LX0-103) Course

In LearnKey’s Linux+ Part I course users will join LearnKey expert Michael Solomon as they learn about Linux+. This course will cover topics such as: GNU/UNIX commands, Linux installation, package management, devices, file systems/systems hierarchy, and more.

Linux+ Part II (LX0-104) Course

In LearnKey’s Linux+ Part II course users will again join LearnKey expert Michael Solomon as they learn about Linux+. This course will cover topics such as: scripting, shells, data management, administrative tasks, desktops, user interface, networking fundamentals, essential system services, security, and more.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

Newest Employee of the Month Helps out wherever she can!

After just over six (6) months on the job our newest employee of the month has taken a “can do” attitude along with a great “team first” mentality.

That is why it gives me great pleasure to introduce Jenna Welch as this month’s Better Learning Systems/LearnKey employee of the month! Not only has she learned various roles on the LearnKey Veteran Services team she is also cross-trained in areas of our client services and accounting support groups as well.  This just further demonstrates her ability to be flexible and take on projects that are not only in her area of expertise but outside her responsibility. A true utility player on our team!

Check out what her nominating manager had to say about Jenna’s performance to date “Jenna Welch has shown us that she can adapt and change to what is needed to complete a project or task. She is extremely easy to work with and has already achieved Word & Excel 2013 Microsoft Certification. I trust that when I ask her to take on a task or project that she will complete it on time if not sooner. Jenna has proven to be a valued team player and we look forward to what we can accomplish with her as a part of the LearnKey family”.

Take a minute to get to know Jenna on the personal side with this fun Q & A:

  1. How many siblings do you have? 11 altogether (2 brothers, 2 sisters, 2 sisters-in-law, and 5 brothers-in-law)
  2. What is your favorite movie? Star Wars!
  3. What is your favorite band? No longer together would have to be Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Three, or the original E Street Band (RIP, Clarence Clemons). Currently together…it’s a toss-up between Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls, The Gaslight Anthem, The Menzingers, Against Me!, and Alkaline Trio. Please don’t make me pick just one!
  4. What is your favorite vacation spot? I love the mountains, but my most memorable vacation was in Tokyo
  5. What was your high school’s mascot? Panthers
  6. What is the weirdest combination of foods you have eaten? Brownies and garlic cheese spread (delicious, by the way)
  7. What is/was the name of your favorite pet? My family had two tomcats named Thomas and O’Malley
  8. What was your first car? ’98 Dodge Intrepid (not recommended without a bottomless maintenance budget)
  9. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? India
  10. Would you rather sky dive, bungee jump, zip line, or parasail? Definitely zip line
  11. What is the funniest saying you have heard working here? Any/every time someone besides Brian says “Are we done here?”
  12. If you could eat dinner with anyone from the past, present, or future, who would it be and why? My grandpa passed away last summer so I would love to have one more conversation with him.

While I agree that Jenna tells the truth not sure I am ready to try Brownies and garlic cheese spread just yet!

Please join me in congratulating Jenna on this award as we are delighted to have her as part of our Better Learning Systems family.



Brighton College – Newest Addition to the BLS Family

LearnKey recently acquired part ownership of Brighton College in Scottsdale, Arizona. Brighton is now one of the sister companies to LearnKey.

Brighton is an online college that offers Diploma & Degree programs for in demand jobs like Medical Billing & Coding, Criminal Justice, Paralegal, & IT. Brighton is flexible and can accommodate the needs of the student with one on one instructor support, payment options, and some of the best curriculum to prepare you for new career pathway. For a minimum investment and in months you can be on your way to a new career.

And each student enrolling at Brighton will receive a ProScan and Motivation Review to support them on their journey!!

Contact us today if you have any questions or would like to enroll in any Brighton courses!!

Pictured below are members of the BLS Team, following a  workout session this past week at Brighton!!

Brighton Workout

Left to right: Matt Tidwell, Brighton Vice President, Kimberly Johnson, LearnKey Client Services Manager, Brian Tremelling, LearnKey Veteran & Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Sarah Blik, Executive Consultant, Seth Boyack and Kelly Woods, both LearnKey Veteran & Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors.

This post originally appeared on KnowYourTalents.com.

BLS Executive to Speak at I/DD Event

On May 6, Lori Coruccini, co-founder of Better Learning Systems and LearnKey’s sister company Know Your Talents, Inc., is scheduled to speak at Riding the Wild Haboob, an event for intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) providers.

Lori’s presentation will cover employee engagement and driving company success through the passion and commitment of employees. Other presenters include John Dacey, a health law attorney, and Tom Schramski, PhD, President of Vertess Advisors.

For more information about the event, visit knowyourtalents.com.

Boots 2 Suits Program Matches Veterans with Mentors

Know Your Talents partners with ASU’s Pat Tillman Center to Support Boots 2 Suits Program

The Boots to Suits Program through the Pat Tillman Center at ASU is designed to assist veteran students by taking their military skills and education and training and connecting them with the right sources that can help them leverage opportunities for career placement.

The goal of the program is to match veteran students with Corporate Executive Leaders within the community that will mentor them towards reaching their goal of that dream job. Students are matched with mentors based on their natural behaviors as well as their intended career path. In February, the initial launching of the program, a mentor/mentee matching event took place. An estimated 30 students were paired with Executive Leaders from all types of industries, with both the mentor and the mentee receiving a copy of their individual ProScan reports. The ProScan was part of the initial introduction – what an awesome way for them to get to know and understand one another!!

If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, please call us today! 480-349-8900

This post originally appeared as part of the Know Your Talents Spring 2015 Newsletter.

Newest EOM is no stranger to this award!

Back in October 2013 our employee of the month was recognized for his excellent commitment to quality control and going above and beyond to help us improve our A+ course. Fast forward a year and a half later and we are recognizing him again for doing great work all the time and keeping our core values front and center while he does it.

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Ben Lee on being selected as our April 2015 employee of the month. In addition to this award he was also promoted to a Senior IT position within LearnKey at the end of last year and is becoming an outstanding overall team member with the same positive “can do attitude”.

I know first hand what a great problem solver he is i.e. and getting him involved with other parts of the business is something that will be great for his career. That said, here is what his manager had to say during the nomination process:

“Before Ben joined the Tech Support team I knew of his ability to research and present information with aplomb.  He glides through such requests with Ease.  Since joining our team his Value has been truly measurable in the impact he has had in raising our collective knowledge and skills.  I can Trust him to dig in with a vengeance and deliver great results, such as with preparing us to move our Tech Support knowledge base to a new vehicle in the near future.  Ben is like a human vending machine that never fails.  You put in your money and he dispenses promptly, and it is always more satisfying than you expected.”

He is such a great person please take a moment to get to know Ben on the personal side through this fun Q&A:

  1. How many children do you have? One baby girl who will be here in June or July.
  2. Who is your best friend and why? My wife is my best friend. She is the person I spend my alone time with. We can discuss anything with each other, and we both love exploring new things together.
  3. Name your wife’s favorite restaurant. It changes from day to day—and with pregnancy status—but she is a big fan of independent diners that provide excellent customer service and high-quality food, like Milt’s Stage Stop, The Little Brick House, and The Pastry Pub.
  4. What is it that you like most about your job and why? I love synthesizing raw data into a format that accomplishes a task or helps other people.
  5. From whom at LearnKey have you learned the most? Whomever I am working closely with. I have learned a lot about time management and priorities from Bart. Val has helped me learn more about calm, effective communication. Sheena has taught me about the importance of procedure. Brian has been a great friend who has helped me understand my own talents and interests better. Kevin is teaching me about self-motivation and drive. Jeff and Lori have taught me a ton about kindness and generosity. I can’t say who has taught me the most, but I can say that I have learned something from everybody at LearnKey.
  6. Name a place you want to take your wife for vacation. I would love to take my wife to Germany for a month in autumn or winter.
  7. What is your ideal dream job in the next five (5) years? My ideal job would entail helping other people gain literacy in language and music.
  8. Name your favorite meal to cook. There are several meals that I enjoy cooking: 蛋饼(Chinese crepes), steamed Chinese food, Yorkshire pudding pancakes (British crepes), and Tomato soup with grilled ham and cheese sandwiches.
  9. If you won a million dollars, name a cause or not for profit you would donate a portion of that to? I would donate money to local small business start-ups that could help make quality education available to both adults and children.

Again, please join me in congratulating Ben on this recent accomplishment and if you know him it’s a pretty good bet in the future we will be saying “third time is a charm!”

Kind Regards,

Jeff Coruccini

My Certification Failure

Recently, I did something I rarely do – I failed a test. You may think, “Big deal, it’s just one test, you’ll pass the next one,” and you would usually be right. Except this wasn’t just any test. It was a certification exam.

A couple of weeks ago, I began watching LearnKey’s Project 2013 training to prepare to take the Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 2013 certification exam. I watched the entire course, took notes, passed all of the pre- and post tests, and reviewed the training for the questions I had missed. I was a little nervous about taking the test, but I felt confident in using the software and figured the test would be pretty easy. I passed a couple of Adobe certification tests with no problems, and I thought the Project 2013 test would be similar.

The first thing I failed to take into account was the fact that I have been using Adobe software for nearly a decade. I probably know Photoshop and Dreamweaver better than any other software out there (with the possible exception of StarCraft or Age of Empires, but that’s a whole other ballgame).

Whenever someone asks me for advice on how to pass a certification exam, I always tell them one thing: Explore the software. Open up the menus, learn the features, figure things out on your own, and become proficient. No matter how good a training course is, there is no substitute for real-world experience. As I watched the training, I followed along in Project 2013 and learned enough to feel comfortable using it, but I didn’t spend very much time exploring the software on my own.

The second thing I failed to take into account was that the exam structure may not be the same as the Adobe exams I have taken in the past. Adobe exams place a heavy emphasis on lab-type questions where the students show they know the software by performing tasks in a simulated environment. I thought that even if I didn’t know everything about Project 2013, I could find my way around in the simulated environment.

As soon as I started the exam, I knew I was in trouble. The questions were all scenario-based and there was not a single simulation-based question in the entire exam. I had not prepared for these types of questions! The questions were also more difficult than I had anticipated. It’s not enough to be able to use the software; certification exams are geared toward expert users. I should have spend a lot more time exploring the software.

I just scheduled a retake of the Project 2013 certification exam. I plan to re-watch the training and take better notes. This time, I will follow my own advice, as well as the advice given in our Exam Prep with Tom Carpenter LearnCast course. This time, I will give the exam the respect it deserves by putting in the necessary study time and fully exploring Project 2013. This time, I plan to pass.

New Course Release: OS X Fundamentals

We are excited to announce the release of our OS X Fundamentals course today! This training and assessment video is part of our Computer Foundations video training, and was made to help Mac users with the basic functions and uses of their computer. Many people use computers on a daily basis, so it is important to know the basics of how to operate their computer.

OS X Fundamentals Course

The OS X Fundamentals course is designed for a user new to the world of Mac computers. Specifically demonstrated on OS X Yosemite, LearnKey’s fundamentals course demonstrates the most common functions of the operating system to enable a new user to feel confident in their ability to use a Mac. The course covers systems preference basics, desktop, customization, out of the box setup, installing/uninstalling apps, and much more.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.