LearnKey Blog

When it comes to learning – Our employees lead the way

As you know, LearnKey is all about creating premium video course ware, so you could say learning is what we do. With that said, it’s always great to catch one of our very own employees learning something new.

Recently Sheena Chamberlain from our Cedar City office was named the November employee of the month for learning our new mobile technology with LearnCast. She was selected as part of an initiative to integrate our new mobile learning platform into LearnKey. In just a short period of time she has created two courses, Bullying: You Do Not Have to Take it Anymore and a QuickBooks demonstration. Again demonstrating our core values, Sheena quickly gained the trust of LearnCast’s founder Dave Clemons by jumping in and learning how to re-purpose content and distribute it to any device . Not only has Sheena learned this new technology, she also continues to do her other job supporting our technical writers and designers. For those of you that don’t know Sheena very well, we have asked her to answer a few questions that might give you a little insight into just the type of person Sheena is.

Continue reading “When it comes to learning – Our employees lead the way”

Keys to our Success: Great Employees Demonstrating Ease, Value and Trust

As we continue grow, gain success, and reach new heights as a company, it is important that we recognize our most valuable assets: the employees who help us achieve greatness by demonstrating what we stand for through our core values of Ease, Value, and Trust.

Which is why we want to provide a work environment that fosters ease for our employees to get their job done, as well as feel valued for the work they do, and in return the bond of trust is a never ending building process between all of us and our customers. These core values live with us first, becoming the fabric of our company and ultimately are passed along to our valued customers.

Over the past two months I have been extremely proud of the people we have working at LearnKey, and it has been a great experience, which is why my first blog was all about the talent on our team. The key ingredient to any successful company starts with the people. Now its time to start sharing with everyone the successes of our employees each month.

Continue reading “Keys to our Success: Great Employees Demonstrating Ease, Value and Trust”

LearnKey – You’ve got Talent

It is absolutely amazing what a great team we have at LearnKey! Over the past three weeks I have had a blast traveling throughout Utah between Salt Lake City, Cedar City and St. George getting to know each and every team member.

The talent is unbelievable. Starting with our production studios in Salt Lake City, if you want to get a taste of what they do then be sure to check out our A+ Certification 2009 course; its one of the most popular in the industry.

After they shoot the video, then its up to the brilliant group of elearning video designers and technical writers in our Cedar City office, led by Wyett, that make it all come together. After my first visit the design team put together a list of ideas in how we can deliver a better video delivery experience for our customers – is that cool or what?  Wait till they get more familiar with our newest partner LearnCast and learn about the opportunities this great mobile platform will create for everyone in the company. Really going to be exciting.

Of course when talking about talent at LearnKey, there is no way I can close this message without giving major props to our St. George headquarters, especially for a flawless roll out of our OnlineExpert v6 release. It really is a reflection of good people working together for one cause, which is to provide the best user/customer experience we possibly can.

My number one priority is to ensure our leadership team fosters a culture focused on “employee first” values around Trust, Value and Ease. John, Lori and Dave are totally on board and holding me accountable to do that everyday. Who are they? More to come so stay tuned!