“Only in New York!”
He’s a baker, she’s a software trainer and techno geek!- truly this can only happen in New York.
This week LearnKey is welcoming into our studio, Mandi Bergenfeld, a software trainer and computer instructor from New York who owns her own training company, Twin Computer Training. Her husband, on the other hand, is a baker and owns his own Bagel shop, Goldberg’s Famous Bagels– Great Food, Great Friends, The Perfect Cup of Coffee!
Mandi, is our newest expert and author of the Word 2010 video series. We are so excited to have Mandi working with us to create this course. With her 20+ years experience in the IT training industry I’m certain that she will put a course together that is both engaging and full of the newest tips and tricks.
My only concern now is, will she bring us some of her husband’s delicious Goldberg’s Famous Bagels? I’m hungry!
-Ammon Wiese