VMWare Certification Requirements
As stated on the product page for our Virtual Infrastructure Administrator Course; “This course will provide students with the knowledge needed to take the VMWare Certified Professional Exam VCP-310.” A question has been raised regarding a requirement VMware insists on for certification. It is required of candidates who wish to certify that they attend a VMware authorized course. Generally a VMware authorized course runs around $2,400-$2,900 and is a four day intensive hands on experience. Research shows that many students fail the exam after attending only this course.
Why then does VMWare require you to take a costly course with such a low success rate? The following excerpt from a vmware forum explains the reasoning behind this requirement :
“I also want to be clear about our class requirement. VMware requires class in an effort to maintain the integrity of the certification by discouraging “paper” certifications. Other
certification programs have had problems with candidates passing exams after
having crammed information from a cheat site or other “brain dump.” These
candidates rarely have certification worthy knowledge of the product and lower
the integrity of the certification and those who have it. By requiring a class
we can be assured that all VCPs have a minimum amount of hands on experience
with the product. While we hope they would have much more then just then a
class’s worth of experience with the product, this is the best way for us to
ensure they have some.
Finally, VMware does not sell course materials. They can only be obtained by attending an authorized course.
If you have any other questions about the VCP program, please feel free to contact us at certification@vmware.com.
Tina – VMware Certification Coordinator”
So whether your aim is to certify, or simply to gain the information training with our expert Tom Carpenter is an invaluable step towards your goal.