QUIZ: “How would you handle these business situations?”
For fun this morning I took the “How would you handle these business situations?” quiz on LearnKey’s website and I nailed it! Well to be honest, I nailed it all, minus one question- #4.
The question asks this:
You get a promotion! Good for you. But now you have to try and manage former friends who think they can take advantage of you. How do you deal with this?
a) You should be there for your friends. You would expect the same treatment if the situation was reversed.
b) Let your friends know that you can be friends when you are off the clock, but during company time you have no friends.
c) Talk to your friends. Let them know you are committed to your friendship and part of that commitment includes helping them keep job and commitments and responsibilities so they too can be promoted, or at least not fired when you get transferred.
d) Fire them. This will serve as a good example that you should be respected and feared. Besides they have served their purpose, and it’s time for you to make new friends anyway.
Which one do you think it is?
Well I chose answer (b) Let your friends know that you can be friends when you are off the clock, but during company time you have no friends.
This answer landed me a BIG RED X on my test review. It seemed logical to me as I was taking the test, but when I reread the question afterwards, there is a better solution and it’s,
(c) Talk to your friends. Let them know that you are committed both to your friendship and part of that commitment includes helping them keep job commitments and responsibilities so they too can be promoted, or at least not fired when you are transferred.
It makes perfect sense now. When you work, if it’s only work and you don’t maintain some respect of friendship, then it will most likely be the cause of bitter and resentful employees (which could lead to slower productivity) and unhappy friends (which will affect your personal life as well) – both of which will have a negative reflection on you.
Therefore, one needs to display open communication in this particular situation by telling his/her friends the truth so that they can be supportive of the new position you hold.
To take the quiz and find out how you’d do in these tricky situations, visit https://www.learnkey.com/quiz (and yes, I did give away one of the answers, consider it a freebee).
By the way, did you know that LearnKey offers Managing training on these specific areas as well?
- Managing for Commitment Course
- Managing Change at Work Course
- Managing Disagreement Course
- Managing a Diverse Workforce Course