LearnKey Blog
A+ 2009 Webisode Part 4
The Saga Continues : Consider this question as you watch. Did Ammon shoot this entire scene just to justify getting a replacement phone?
Vote for the tagline.
A + 2009 Webisode Part 3 : Mike Meyers take
First we had an introduction, then Ammon showed what he goes through to get things rolling. Now it’s Mike’s turn.
A + Webisode 2
The second episode is here!
A+ 2009 Webisodes Begin
We felt it would be a nice change of pace to give you a taste of what goes into producing one of our training courses. It begins here :
T-Shirt Tag Line Contest
Submit your tag-line in the comments section. The top five tags will be published on our website and a second vote will determine our winner. All five of the tags chosen will receive a free t-shirt with the winning tag featured on the shirt. Keep in mind the vision of LearnKey, and be creative!
The deadline for submissions is Friday, Sept 18, so submit your ideas today!
Microsoft Word 2003 demo
Some people are still using Word 2003 and it is to those select individuals that I dedicate this entry today. You see I was one of those people who heard the word Macro only as something that helps viruses (viri?) spread. But much to my surprise, that was not Microsoft’s original intention. No a macro is supposed to be a time saving device that helps folks such as you and I automate tasks that we may do on a regular basis. Like if you find that you frequently use the phrase “nasty as I wanna be” in your writing, you can create a macro that will allow you to use a simple two to three keystroke sequence that types the entire phrase for you. And it’s repeatable meaning you can use it as often as you may want.
nasty as I wanna be. nasty as I wanna be. nasty as I wanna be.
see? Much simpler than taking the time to type your oft used phrase. There may be better examples of how to use macros, but I can’t think of one right now. So let me provide you with a video that shows one. (It also kinda shows how to create macros at the same time, so bonus.).
… oh one more thing before you watch. If you happen to be one of those folks still using Office 2000. You may be more interested in our clearance items .
Ohio ACTE. Wouldn’t it be great?
Wouldn’t it be great if the teachers, counselors, and administrators responsible for our children’s education would get together and discuss ways to help students pursue their educational and career passions? Wouldn’t it be great if it were happening in Ohio, on Sept 18? Wouldn’t it be great if LearnKey was there? Life is great!
Managing Disagreements course Saved my Marriage!
Does Learnkey provide Marriage Counseling? Not intentionally, but some of the skills you learn can be helpful at home.
A bath in Cheerio’s can relieve itching from chicken pox, poison ivy, or even sunburns. Rubbing French’s Mustard into your hands can relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Rub a dollop of Jif Peanut Butter into bubblegum, to remove bubblegum that gets stuck in your hair. And here’s one more product that does more than it was originally intended. LearnKey’s Managing Disagreements course saved my marriage.

Here’s the thing. I was asked to write a blog about one of our training programs, and given cart blanche to choose whatever interested me. I approached the assignment thinking I would pick A+ Certification, or Microsoft Office, you know something technically enriching. As my eyes scanned the list of courses I happened upon one titled “Managing Disagreements.”
Perhaps I was a little biased because of the disagreement I had with my wife the day before, but this looked interesting. After all, if I can learn to “manage” disagreements, I can learn to “win” them right?
Disclaimer : This training does not guarantee that you will win future arguments. It does not even teach you how to avoid them. Nor will it necessarily save your marriage, as it did mine.
Somehow by taking a scientific approach to the causes behind disagreements, and identifying the 9 management styles, this course helps you understand yourself better. Once you understand what is going on with you, it helps you to stay in control of yourself, and recognize the subconscious management styles of others, so that you can come to an accord more easily. I doubt I would ever be allowed to claim this course can even provide marriage counseling, so I won’t say that. I will say that my style of Maintaining did not mesh well with her style of Collaborating, and we were unable to get past it until I was able to find issues upon which I could Yield.
Look it over, it’s called Managing Disagreement (and it was probably originally meant for business manager to improve their interpersonal skills with their employees.)
Adobe Illustrator CS4 training…
Adobe Illustrator CS4 training is finally ready! Vector Graphic Artists Rejoice!