LearnKey Blog
Microsoft Office Certification Update:
The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification now extends to all versions of Microsoft Office, including the 2007 Microsoft Office System and Microsoft Office 2010, as well as Windows desktop operating systems. Instead of using different certification names for different versions of Microsoft Office programs and Windows desktop operating systems, Microsoft has updated all of the Microsoft Office certifications to have the same name—Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS). This applies to all certifications for Microsoft Office versions, including Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, the 2007 Microsoft Office System, and Microsoft Office 2010. It also applies to all Windows desktop operating system certifications for Windows Vista and Windows 7. The certifications for the 2007 Microsoft Office System are no longer referred to as Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (MCAS) certifications.
Thursday’s Tricky Trivia Winner:
Shucks. Unfortunately, nobody got the answer right for Tom’s question, which means it must have been pretty tricky! Good job Tom! You’ve stumped us!
So for this particular question, instead of posting the answer, we’re going to save it for later and possibly for a bigger, better prize.
Thanks for all those who participated.
Make sure you check back with us next Thursday for a new question- a not so tricky question!
LearnKey Giveaway
Starting today, and every Thursday from here on out, we’re going to be having weekly giveaways on our blog! That’s right… FREE LearnKey stuff every week! All you have to do is answer the trivia question correctly to be eligible to win! Once you’ve submitted the correct answer in your comment, we’ll have a drawing and randomly pick a winner. The winner will then be posted on the blog Friday morning, who will be contacted via email by a LearnKey staff member, along with the answer to the question.
Sound good?
Let the fun begin!
Here’s the first trivia question (courtesy of Tom Carpenter):
You are installing the Security Device Manager (SDM) on a Cisco 871w router. You want to install the SDM in the router’s flash memory. The router includes the factory default hardware and runs the Advanced IP Services IOS version 12.24. What must you do before installing the SDM?
This week’s prize: A sweet LearnKey lanyard
*In order to receive prize notification, you must provide a valid email address with your comment*
QUIZ: “How would you handle these business situations?”
For fun this morning I took the “How would you handle these business situations?” quiz on LearnKey’s website and I nailed it! Well to be honest, I nailed it all, minus one question- #4.
The question asks this:
You get a promotion! Good for you. But now you have to try and manage former friends who think they can take advantage of you. How do you deal with this?
a) You should be there for your friends. You would expect the same treatment if the situation was reversed.
b) Let your friends know that you can be friends when you are off the clock, but during company time you have no friends.
c) Talk to your friends. Let them know you are committed to your friendship and part of that commitment includes helping them keep job and commitments and responsibilities so they too can be promoted, or at least not fired when you get transferred.
d) Fire them. This will serve as a good example that you should be respected and feared. Besides they have served their purpose, and it’s time for you to make new friends anyway.
Which one do you think it is?
Continue reading “QUIZ: “How would you handle these business situations?””
Help Wanted: Hackers
This morning I read an interesting article that had much to do with what’s going on in our production studio. As mentioned in a previous post, we are currently filming the CCNA Security training featuring Tom Carpenter and this article, titled Help Wanted: Hackers, written by Annie Fisher with CNNMoney.com, couldn’t have fit more perfectly for this entry.
Congratulations to the LearnKey Scholarship Winners
I am very excited to announce Tori Glass from Ore City High School and Ontonio Colon from Roberto Clemente Community Academy as the winners of the 4th Annual LearnKey Scholarship Program. Tori was certified in Photoshop CSA and Ontonio completed A+ Certification 2009. Congratulations Tori and Ontonio.
Thank you to all of the schools, teachers, and students who participated in this year’s program, making it another successful year. The participating schools were Ore City High School, Roberto Clemente Community Academy, and Warren Easton Charter High School.
Continue reading “Congratulations to the LearnKey Scholarship Winners”
CCNA Security Featuring Tom Carpenter
Yesterday afternoon, Tom Carpenter arrived to our production studio in Salt Lake City, Utah to film LearnKey’s CCNA Security training. If there’s anybody who knows his stuff, it’s Tom and we are thrilled that he’s here!
Excel 2010- Michael Meskers
As I type this entry, Author and Trainer Michael Meskers is in our production studio wrapping up this week’s filming of LearnKey’s Excel 2010 training.
I’ve been popping in and out of the shoot this past week and can’t tell you how eager I am for this product to be released (I’m going to be taking the training myself). Not only has Michael been exciting and interesting to watch and listen to, he does an incredible job of teaching everything, and I mean everything, there is to know about Excel.
During a quick break of the filming today, I ran back into the control room and asked Michael to give us (fellow blog readers) a brief thought on the new Excel 2010. Here’s what he had to say…
My Money Plan
Nearly two months ago, I ran into some serious financial problems. I’ll avoid telling the specifics as I realize I’m not the only going through this and you all have your own problems, but it is important to know that my situation is difficult and seems almost impossible to recover from. In my life thus far, I’ve really never had to worry about financial stress… until now. And let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight! It hit me like a ton of bricks!
For days and days, I researched on the Internet hoping to find advice on how to solve this particular problem. After reading countless blogs and articles, I was left feeling even more tired and hopeless than before. It was inevitable- I was doomed!
Continue reading “My Money Plan”
DoD 8570.1 Compliance
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) requires all Information Assurance (IA) workers to train and certify in accordance with the 8570.1 Directive to protect and defend DoD information, systems, and infrastructures. This directive was put in place in 2005 in response to an influx of security breaches and ever-changing threats and countermeasures.
Continue reading “DoD 8570.1 Compliance”