LearnKey Blog
Expose Yourself to Flash: Tutorial
Have you ever wondered how to create something in Flash- say a ball? Have you ever wondered how to make that ball bounce? In this short tutorial by LearnKey’s Brad Washburn, you’ll learn exactly that! Watch and learn… and let us know what you think!
Trivia Question and Last Week’s Winner
Congratulations to Marc Gibbs for being last weeks Trivia Winner!
Here are the rules for this weeks question…
Answer the question correctly in the comments to be eligible to win . Once you’ve submitted the answer in your comment, we’ll have a drawing and randomly pick a winner. The winner, who will be contacted via email by a LearnKey staff member, will be posted next Thursday, along with a new trivia question for the week.
Here’s the question:
True or False: If a users Domain password has expired, the user can change their password using the Outlook Web App, and then use Options > Settings>Password, to change their password.
This week’s prize: A LK-branded Flash Drive!
Contest run time: Thursday August 19th- Wednesday August 25th
Winner posted: Thursday August 26th
* Only North American residents are eligible to win prize *
*In order to receive prize notification, you must provide a valid email address with your comment*
Flash CS5 Promo
In LearnKey’s Flash CS5 course, that is soon to be released, Chad Troftgruben will explore design, animation, and action script.
After completing this course, you’ll be more than prepared for the ACA exam and you’ll be an expert on Flash CS5!
Check it out!
Working with Programs: Utilities
Windows 7 offers a variety of utilities to the user. In this clip you’ll learn about each of them and how they can benefit you! Check it out!
Working with Programs: Turning Features On/Off
In this clip, you’ll learn how to access the already installed programs and features in Windows 7 that have been turned off by default. Watch and learn how!
Changing IT Environment Demands New Strategies for Training, Certifying Workforce, CompTIA Exec Says
On August 12, CompTIA posted a press release concerning a certification update delivered at the CompTIA Breakaway event this week. To summarize, IT jobs are expected to greatly increase over the next several years. With those new jobs, a different set of skills will be required according to industry trends.
“Trends in technology are changing the employment landscape,” Terry Erdle, senior vice president, skills certification, CompTIA, said in remarks delivered at Breakaway 2010, the premier event for IT companies in North America.
“It doesn’t mean that we don’t need people,” he added. “It’s just a different kind of job.”
Working with Programs: Communication Tools
Windows 7 offers great Communication Tools such as Notepad, WordPad, Paint, Windows Fax and Scan. In this clip you’ll learn more about each tool that is listed above. Check it out!
LearnKey Giveaway
Answer the question correctly in the comments to be eligible to win . Once you’ve submitted the answer in your comment, we’ll have a drawing and randomly pick a winner. The winner, who will be contacted via email by a LearnKey staff member, will be posted next Thursday, along with a new trivia question for the week.
Here’s the question:
In Flash, why is the “tween” function called “tween”?
This week’s prize: A $5 Starbucks Gift Card OR a LK-branded Flash Drive- your choice!
Contest run time: Thursday August 12th- Wednesday August 18th
Winner posted: Thursday August 19th
* Only North American residents are eligible to win prize *
*In order to receive prize notification, you must provide a valid email address with your comment*
Working with Programs: Media Management
Windows 7 comes 3 different applications which are used to help manage your media. In this clip, Ammon Wiese talks about each of the 3 applications and how they work. Have a look!
Working with Programs: Included Programs
Expert Ammon Weise teaches which programs are included when you do a fresh installation of Windows 7.