LearnKey Blog

Photoshop CS6 for Mac Released

The first of our Adobe CS6 courses has been released – Photoshop CS6 for Mac. In this course, LearnKey expert and Adobe Certified instructor Chad Chelius walks you through the features and tools of Photoshop CS6, while also covering the topics required for the ACA Visual Communication using Adobe® Photoshop® certification exam.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of project management tasks and responsibilities
  • Learn and understand terminology of digital images
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Patch Tool in Content-aware fill mode
  • Learn to adjust or correct the tonal range, color, or distortions of an image
  • Demonstrate knowledge of preparing images for Web, print, and video

This version of the course was shot using Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Mac OS X. Don’t worry, Windows users – your version is coming up soon!

Visit the product page for more information about the course, including a full course outline and purchasing information.

Happy New Year means more great Employees of the Month!

Preparing for the start of the new year at LearnKey meant all kinds of exciting things we planned to kick off, such as just releasing a new course on how to learn online, MasterExams for IC³, A+ and Network+ courses, and our Salt Lake City and Cedar City teams are busy working on Adobe and more sales training. So what could be better? How about welcoming a new employee of the month: Michael Barker!

Michael is part of our design team and is working from our St. George office. I guess you could say he’s one of our mobile workers, being that the rest of his team resides in another city. Here’s what one of our managers in Cedar City had to say about Michael:

“I’ve had the great opportunity to work one-on-one with Michael in the past several weeks and feel he embodies our core values in so many ways: Ease—anyone who has worked with Michael on a project knows that it is easy to do. He removes ego from the equation and focuses on delivering the best overall product. Though known as the Ninja (due to his quiet demeanor) he communicates concerns or questions very easily. Value—everything Michael does he does with the best value in mind, and I don’t think he even realizes it. Trust—Michael is trusted (did you see the LK certification emblem?) to do excellent work and trusts that we are the best at what we do.”

When you hear such awesome things about a team member it just reinforces the importance of teamwork and accountability. We are so fortunate to have Michael on our team and really want to wish him thanks for all he does.

Continue reading “Happy New Year means more great Employees of the Month!”

25 years and a special discount

Can you believe that 2012 is almost over? Looking back I wonder where this year has gone. This year has been a fantastic year for LearnKey and we have been busy creating solid courses and projects.

To celebrate the ending of the year and to celebrate our 25th year of business, we are offering huge savings on the entire LearnKey course library. Through December 31, purchase any single-user course on LearnKey.com and use coupon code 25YEARS before checkout to receive a special promotion.

How special, you ask? Well that all depends on when you order! If you order between 12/20 – 12/26, the coupon code will give you 25% off. After that, the discount drops, and then the whole thing expires on 12/31.

Don’t delay – check out what we have to offer

* Offer applies only to single-user LearnKey courseware. Excludes MasterExams.

ACTE 2012 Recap

The ACTE conference in Atlanta was a huge hit For LearnKey. Jeff, Lori, Kim, Scott and I were able to re-solidify the fact that we are on the right track. The track of preparing teachers first for certifications and then taking that knowledge gained and marrying it with our award winning full motion video, hands on projects created by teachers that align directly to Adobe and Microsoft objectives, mobile technology alerts and the constant mentoring of teachers so that they are up on technology as well as behavioral assessments to best pinpoint career pathways for students. All these lessons learned over the past 27 years are now a road map for teachers to make sure that each student is successful in their life quest.

It was so good to see school district administrators and teachers embracing the fact that businesses and community partnerships are valuable in many different ways. The more involvement that you have with people from a broad spectrum of knowledge, the better the result is for the students. New and innovative ideas are what is going to drive success in the classroom and ultimately engage and empower the student to go on and do great things.

It was great to see how “Team LearnKey” interacted with partners and clients as well as with one another to bring digital literacy into the classroom.

Oh yeah, we ate a lot of great food and also went to an Atlanta hawks basketball game and had a good time. We were able to sit behind Danny ferry, the Duke “hall of famer” who won the Naismith College Player of the Year and Oscar Robinson Trophy award winner in 1989 and his #35 jersey was retired after his senior season in 1989.

“A” Players- They work at it all the time!

At Better Learning Systems we recently announced the formation of an “A” Team within our LearnKey company who will lead strategic sales in our K-12 vertical. While we are very excited about the group during one of our conversations with a LearnKey team member Justin Walker ( a new member all of 8 months)  explaining the realignment details we asked him if he had any questions. He answered “Yes” How can I be a member of the “A” team? The best part of all was when Lori and I heard that response- we both looked at each other and said that is EXACTLY what we expected to hear from Justin. That’s because “A” players work at it all the time and Justin is quickly becoming an “A Player”. He is willing and able to do whatever it takes to be a good team player for the right cause and working his “tail off” (small inside joke).

It is with great pride we announce that Justin Walker is our most recent November/December employee of the month. Over the past eight months Justin has worked extremely hard to learn the elearning industry, the “ins and outs” of selling to the education market, and most importantly do whatever it takes to be a great team player. He has demonstrated our core values making it Easy for people to work with him because he is a good listener. Second, he is quickly learning the importance of understanding what Value he can bring to not only his external customers but internal team members as well. Third, understanding the importance of patience while he builds his pipeline knowing that it takes time to build Trust, which is the trigger to successful partnerships.

Here are some fun facts about Justin so all of you can get to know him a little better:

Continue reading ““A” Players- They work at it all the time!”

LearnKey Hits the Road

Sleeping off a Thanksgiving food coma will definently be just a dream for many LK employees this week. We will be in three different states and at three different shows. Here is our schedule so you can stop by to see us, if we are visiting your city.

November 26-28, 2012
Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators
New Orleans, LA

November 28-30, 2012
Illinois Education Technology Conference
Springfield, IL

November 29-30, 2012
ACTE: CareerTech Vision 2012
Atlanta, GA

If you’re attending any of these shows, stop by and see what we have to offer!

Giving Back to Those Who Gave So Much

eLearning company forms partnership with foundation that provides assistance for Veterans in need.

St. George, UT- November 16, 2012- LearnKey Inc, in partnership with Our Home Transitional, have recently begun working together to give assistance to female Veterans and their children. LearnKey has donated video based training through their learning management system OnlineExpert, to those in OHT as a way to help our Veterans to obtain the civilian credentials they need to re-enter the workforce.

Carrie Miller, Executive Director of OUR HOME TRANSITIONAL explains: “This is a place where our female veterans and their kids come to when they are facing challenge & are in need of a place to call home.”

Women Veterans in need of OHT services are not limited to the Flint, Michigan area. As long as there are rooms available any woman hero from anywhere in the US will be assisted, says Miller. “One of the most integral parts of this program for our female Veterans is the LearnKey training component. We are very excited to be working with LearnKey in our endeavor to help women heroes who are in need of help while transitioning successfully to civilian society and self-sufficiency,” explains Miller.

LearnKey’s extensive course library has courses that will help learners pass certification exams, build resumes, and prepare for a career. Some valuable LearnKey tools for Veterans are the recently released Career Readiness Bundle and Job Hunting in a Digital World course.

LearnKey regularly releases new courses. Follow this link to view the 2012-2013 course release schedule.

About LearnKey, Inc.
LearnKey is self-paced video courseware for corporate, education, government and personal users. Established in 1987, LearnKey offers decades of experience with engaging, interactive, and flexible training that is accessible anytime, anywhere.

Honoring our Veterans

One of my favorite days at LearnKey is Veteran’s Day. The parade route in St. George Ut goes directly past our corporate office, and those of us that can get away from the phones are able to show our support to the veteran’s in our community. I look forward to it every year and thouroughly enjoy the amazing photo opportunities that come by, flags and uniforms, marching bands, balloons and lots of old cars. It’s fun and beautiful, and always makes me proud and sad at the same time.

I love seeing the men and women in their uniforms, especially the old-times from the world wars. Today I learned that we have 4 remaining Pearl Harbor survivors in our community, and at least one of them was in the parade today. That’s pretty incredible. It is a sombering thought to see them replaced with much younger veteran’s, young men and women that have already faught to make the world a better place.

LearnKey has been developing programs to support our veteran’s for some time now. We are very proud to offer programs that will create better lives for the men and women that have given so much to protect and serve.

I want to send a special shout out to all of the veterans but especially to those that I work with on a daily basis here at LearnKey. Thank you for your service.

We have all been touched by war, and most of us know someone that has faught for our freedom. Many of us have loved ones that are serving this very day. I hope that I am always able to attend the Veteran’s Day Parade, to show my support and thankfulness for a job well done.

Lead by Example- LearnKey employee of the month’s recipe

Writing is an important part of our business. It can be objectives for an upcoming course, a workbook or projects used in the classroom environment, or even a MasterExam thats going to help a student/learner get college or career ready, all very important parts of the learning experience. At LearnKey we are fortunate to have Brittni Traynor who, as a lead agent for our Technical Writing team, makes sure all our writing activities get done on time.

Even better, is that her leadership team voted Brittni our October employee of the month for hard work and never ending commitment to lead by example. That’s right, she jumps in to help her team on a daily basis. Here is what her manager Brad Washburn had to say about her :

“As a team lead, she is very good at helping her team stay focused and motivated. She has forged a strong bond between the members of her team and turned them into a family”.

We are fortunate to have Brittni who truly does demonstrate our core values around Ease, Value and Trust. She makes it easy for her team members to work with her, shows them her support and how much she Values their work each and every day, in addition to building a level of trust that motivates them to work together and operating at a high performing capacity.

Continue reading “Lead by Example- LearnKey employee of the month’s recipe”

Home Sweet Home

Atlanta, New Orleans, Indianapolis, and…St. George, Utah? You may be wondering what St. George could possibly have in common to be included in a list with these large cities. Well, before the end of the year LearnKey will be in each of these cities attending trade shows and sharing our training with local teachers and administrators.

Today and tomorrow we are in our hometown  St. George, UT! We don’t often attend shows in Utah, let alone in St. George, and we have a new booth design and will be doing presentations today and tomorrow – so stop by Desert Hills High School and check us out.

Presentation Times


9:00 am      Mobi Mentoring in the Classroom
11:00 am    Leveraging Classroom Behavior
1:00 pm      Industry Certified or Career Ready? LearnKey Can Do Both
3:00 pm      Mobi Mentoring in the Classroom