Microsoft Word 2003 demo
Some people are still using Word 2003 and it is to those select individuals that I dedicate this entry today. You see I was one of those people who heard the word Macro only as something that helps viruses (viri?) spread. But much to my surprise, that was not Microsoft’s original intention. No a macro is supposed to be a time saving device that helps folks such as you and I automate tasks that we may do on a regular basis. Like if you find that you frequently use the phrase “nasty as I wanna be” in your writing, you can create a macro that will allow you to use a simple two to three keystroke sequence that types the entire phrase for you. And it’s repeatable meaning you can use it as often as you may want.
nasty as I wanna be. nasty as I wanna be. nasty as I wanna be.
see? Much simpler than taking the time to type your oft used phrase. There may be better examples of how to use macros, but I can’t think of one right now. So let me provide you with a video that shows one. (It also kinda shows how to create macros at the same time, so bonus.).
… oh one more thing before you watch. If you happen to be one of those folks still using Office 2000. You may be more interested in our clearance items .