Managing Web Content: Advanced Settings
In the Advanced Settings Tab, you have the option to make choices regarding rating bureaus or PICSRules. Watch the clip for more details!
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So setting parental control is a good idea on the software side, but at what age is an individual old enough to make the mature decisions that allow you to change these controls. Is it 15? My concern is with today youth is if I block them at home they are likely going somewhere else and looking at things I feel compelled to block. Also some of this blocking seems arbitrary. Like a PG13 movies, my gracious, some things are so underrated or overrated, who sets these things anyway. If schools are handing out birth control at middle school why should I block the internet. Good idea or Bad? Any advise to set the best level by age??? Also how can I find a page rating before I go there. It sure can be embarrassing to be looking for something and get something completely different then expected….Will this control really help on that or is it so limited it blocks everything.