LearnKey Giveaway
It’s that time again!
All you have to do is answer the trivia question correctly to be eligible to win. Once you’ve submitted the correct answer in your comment, we’ll have a drawing and randomly pick a winner. The winner, who will be contacted via email by a LearnKey staff member, will be posted next Thursday, along with a new trivia question for the week. Basically, we’re only posting trivia questions and results on Thursdays from now on. Make sense?
Alright then… Here we go!
Since we’re currently filming the Word 2010 training, our author Mandi Bergenfeld submitted today’s Tricky Trivia question. Here it is:
In one keyboard step how can you remove all formatting from a text without using your clear formatting button from the ribbon?
Contest run time: Thursday June 17th- Wednesday June 23rd
Winner posted: Thursday June 24th
This week’s prize: A sweet LearnKey lanyard and a $5 Starbucks gift-card!!
*In order to receive prize notification, you must provide a valid email address with your comment*
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Firstly highlight all the texts then press CTRL+SPACEBAR