Educators: Come one come all – Adobe CS5 training
Yes, you read the headline correctly – Adobe CS5 training is available for you and your students, with more coming soon! This release has been a bit different for us compared to the CS4 release for many reasons.
First, we decided to produce each ACA course with both a Mac and Windows version. For example, you can purchase Photoshop, Flash, and/or Dreamweaver presented on a Mac or Windows environment. Our goal is to accommodate individual schools based on their needs; some schools use Macs and others use Windows-based PCs. The essential content is the same, we meet all the objectives to prepare for the ACA exams in both versions.
Secondly, many of you know this because you are using our CS4 training, but we produced the Adobe CS5 product line around the ACA exam and not the ACE exam. The last statistic that I read stated over 600,000 people have sat for the ACA exam vs. 5,000 people for the ACE exam. Frankly, it was a no brainer making the decision to produce CS5 objectives around ACA.
I would love to know from our readers which version your schools are using; Mac or Windows? There is an ongoing debate here at LearnKey about which is more popular – and I really would like to settle it with your help!
If your school is ready to make the switch to Adobe CS5 we are here to help!