LearnKey Blog

Introduction to Remote Year


St George

In July 2017 I decided to share an exciting adventure with my LearnKey family. Here is the story.

In my first two years with LearnKey, I have created a Job Ready Team from nothing, managed over 50 veterans’ successful placement in careers and assisted with strategic initiatives…. All while learning the ins and outs of the IT field and training myself to be efficient and productive at home, which in theory sounds awesome, but when you are a social butterfly (as my parents say) it can pose a bit of a challenge.

The first year, I was distracted by negative questions like, “am I doing enough?” “can I do laundry during work hours, or is that illegal (I can be a bit dramatic)?”, “do people remember that I even work here?” I felt like I was doing something wrong if I wore pajamas or workout clothes all day, I mean no one saw me, right?! This negative self-talk can be detrimental to productivity especially when you do not have the physical support of your peers and coworkers. However, one day, with the simplest conversation with someone who worked remotely, and who I admired, my work from home life changed.

I was at lunch with a mentor that I revere, a woman that has it ALL together, inspires others to persevere and does it with the utmost grace and integrity. She said to me, “do you ever take an early meeting without brushing your teeth?” – or something to that effect. OMG! YES! I was overcome with excitement, like a child that can only express the excitement with a squeal. This woman, perfect, powerful, professional, sometimes does not have time to brush her teeth before a meeting!! I was not alone. I did not have to be perfect. I had to be productive. And I was.

From that day on, I hit my stride working from home. I developed new processes, assisted massive amounts of students with resumes/job searching/and interviews, often in leggings and a tank top. I made sure I brushed my teeth BEFORE every meeting! I was killing the game.

At that point, I decided I needed a new challenge. I presented my Remote Year program to Jeff, the coolest CEO you could meet. His progressive mindset and passion to change the world fueled his approval of the program. To travel the world for a year… and work. Because of the two years I had been working remotely, and the accomplishments I have, Jeff said yes. This month, July 2017 – I shared the program with my LearnKey family. And with little shock, as the team is comprised of the most genuinely, supportive, creative and all around amazing people I have encountered, they approved of my adventure as well.

Now, I HAVE to go through with this. I have no choice. Nervousness excitement is the simplest way to describe what I am feeling. But it’s more like an emotional roller coaster of EVERY AND ALL feelings you have ever felt. I hope I do not disappoint my team. I hope I can find good food. I really, really, really hope my Internet connection does not fail me in Thailand, or Prague, or Colombia! I hope I can afford shopping in every country. I hope people like me. With lots of hope, excitement, nervousness, and dedication, I embark on my journey January 2018. This blog is meant to inspire, relate to other remote workers, and hopefully make you smile. Until next month!

To learn more about Remote Year, please visit their website: https://remoteyear.com/

Photo: St. George Office Team

Programming in C# Course Released!

Today, we are excited to announce the release of our Programming in C# course.

Programming in C# (70-483)

LearnKey’s Programming in C# course is geared toward those who have some programming experience and are looking to improve their employability prospects for jobs requiring intermediate C# knowledge. The course is also geared toward those looking to take and pass exam 70-483, a Microsoft Certified Professional-level exam. 70-483 is one exam that leads toward the MCSA: App Builder certification. Specifically, this C# course covers managing program flow, creating and using types, debugging applications, implementing security, and implementing data access.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

Next Up on the Programming Track: Programming in C#

Greetings, one and all. Every once in a while, I’ll step on a golf course that says, “recommended handicap of 15 or lower for the championship tees.” For you non-golfers, this means that one should have decent skills before taking on the challenge of playing a golf course from a challenging set of tees. Those who aren’t quite there should play from the regular tees, as this will (in theory) make their day more enjoyable.

In some respects, this metaphor applies to our upcoming Programming in C# course, which ties to the Microsoft 70-483 exam, Programming in C#. A lot of what we do for courses is geared toward the MTA certifications, which are terrific for first-level certifications. This course isn’t one of them. This and other MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) courses assume you have some programming experience, or the equivalent therein. Does that mean that if you are brand new to programming, you shouldn’t take this course? Absolutely not. But, you should take the Introduction to Programming course and maybe the Introduction to Programming using Python course (also coming out soon) to get some experience working with a programming language. Oh, by the way, that language I said in the Introduction to Programming course we use that I wouldn’t reveal then? It’s C#. So that course is helpful for C# knowledge as well.

In this Programming in C# course, there are four main topics:

  • Managing Program Flow
  • Creating and Using Types
  • Debugging Applications and Implementing Security
  • Implementing Data Access

Not only do these map to the 70-483 exam, these are topics that are essential for improving your employability prospects in the programming field. You can take what you learn here and apply it to other programming languages as well. So, for those of you who have a little experience and are looking to take your skills to the next level, this will be a good spot for you indeed.

As to whether my golf game is good enough for those signs that tell you what tees to play from, well, my handicap number isn’t for public consumption, but I’ll just say I usually play from the championship tees. I like a good challenge.

Animate CC Course and Workbook Released!

Today, we are excited to announce the release of our Animate CC course.

Animate CC

LearnKey’s Animate CC course covers topics such as, setting project requirements, understanding rich animated media, the Animate program, creating rich animated media content using Animate, and testing and publishing these documents. Mapped to cover the exam objectives for the Animate CC ACA exam, this course will improve the employability prospects for anyone looking for work requiring skills in developing rich animated media through Animate.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

Timing is Everything – A Programming Track Update

A hearty summer greetings to you from your humble senior instructor. I have occasionally brought to you in this blog space some news about our new programming track. Well, it has officially started with last month’s release of the Introduction to Programming course, which is a course that focuses mainly on programming and design concepts.

Now, about the “timing is everything” part. In building this programming track, we were (or at least I was) trying to come up with a way to bridge the Introduction to Programming courses to some of the existing Microsoft MCSA Certifications, which are more geared for those with 1-2 years of experience in programming (or possess equivalent knowledge). And, a great percentage of you looking to explore this programming track are probably new to programming (hence the Intro to Programming course).

All that said, Microsoft is rolling out, over the next few months, four new MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate) certifications. They are:

  • Exam 98-381: Introduction to Programming using Python
  • Exam 98-382: Introduction to Programming using JavaScript
  • Exam 98-383: Introduction to Programming using HTML and CSS
  • Exam 98-388: Introduction to Programming using Java

These courses/certifications are the perfect gap between the Introduction to Programming course and the MCSA and other advanced courses we have for our programming track, which we are rolling out over the next several months. And, these courses fit in nicely with our three programming tracks: Web Development, Mobile Development, and General Languages. They mold so well, we even built a road map for you, which you will find a link to at the end of this blog.

Over the next several weeks, I will be posting blog entries for each of the courses in the programming track we are releasing this year.

You see, timing is everything.

Oh, that link: https://www.learnkey.com/careertracks/programming_and_development

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Course Released!

Today, we are excited to announce the release of our Entrepreneurship and Small Business course.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

LearnKey’s Entrepreneurship and Small Business course is designed to prepare a student to sit for the Entrepreneurship and Small Business certification exam. The course provides scenarios and example questions to apply knowledge of fundamental entrepreneurship and small business management concepts. Topics covered include: defining an entrepreneur, recognizing an opportunity, starting and operating a business, how to market a business, managing sales, and basic financial management. The course is designed for a student who has taken a small business management class, but will prepare any student for the ESB exam.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

MTA Security Fundamentals Released!

Today, we are excited to announce the release of our MTA Security Fundamentals course.

MTA Security Fundamentals (98-367)

LearnKey’s MTA Security Fundamentals course is geared toward those looking to learn basic operating system security fundamentals. This course will also prepare students to take and pass the MTA Security Fundamentals exam (98-367). The four main topics covered in this course are: security layers, operating system security, network security, and security software. This course will also improve employability prospects for those trying to gain an entry-level IT support/desktop position with some basic security knowledge requirements.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

Introduction to Programming Concepts and QuickBooks 2017 Courses Released

Today, we are excited to announce the release of our Introduction to Programming Concepts and QuickBooks 2017 courses, and the Access 2016 MasterExam.

Introduction to Programming Concepts

This 90-minute course is an introduction to basic programming concepts and is perfect for those who want to learn how to program, but don’t know where to start. Rather than focusing on a single programming language, this course will teach prospective programmers three basic principles: introduction to objects, program design basics, and coding basics.

QuickBooks 2017

LearnKey’s QuickBooks 2017 course is designed to improve the employability prospects for any company needing someone who can work with QuickBooks efficiently. The course also serves as a preparation for the QuickBooks Certified User Exam. The course goes through all ten exam domains: QuickBooks Setup, General Product Knowledge, List Management, Items, Sales, Purchases, Payroll, Reports, Basic Accounting, and Customization. This course will give users the confidence to work effectively with QuickBooks for businesses of all types.

Access 2016 MasterExam

LearnKey’s Microsoft Access 2016 MasterExam will help you prepare to take exam 77-730. This educational training product is intended to be used in combination with LearnKey’s video courseware. The MasterExam has hundreds of questions to test your knowledge, helping you become a certified user of Access 2016.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

Access 2016 Released!

Today, we are excited to announce the release of our Access 2016 course.

Access 2016 (77-730)

In Access 2016, the relational database app in Microsoft Office, you can design your own databases or use templates to create databases to share with others, namely coworkers. LearnKey Senior Instructor Jason Manibog will take you through creating databases, creating tables, building queries, building forms, and building reports. These five topics are also the topics on the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Access 2016 (Exam 77-730). This, combined with what you will learn about relational database structures, will improve your employability prospects in any position needing skills with small to medium-sized relational databases.

Our hope is that through our courseware we may provide learners with the guidance, preparation, and skills they need to succeed. For more information and to learn about additional LearnKey products visit our website.

Time To Get Animated With Our Upcoming Adobe Animate CC Course

How many of you remember when Macromedia Flash first became a big “thing” on the Internet? No? How about Adobe Flash? Maybe? How about this question: How many of you feel skunked when you tap to a website on your mobile device only to get the dreaded message, “Your browser does not support Flash”?

Well, you’re not alone if this has happened to you. And just as Flash was the big thing years ago, HTML5 is now. However, Flash and HTML5 did not really work well together, because, to export from Flash, you had to get a plug-in or tool or some kind of extension. It just wasn’t a smooth, seamless process.

Fortunately, those days are over. What was once known as Adobe Flash is now Adobe Animate, one of the newest additions to the Adobe suite of programs. In a nutshell, Adobe Animate is Flash plus the ability to easily create files for ActionScript (the native Flash format), HTML5, and WebGL (Web Graphics Library).

With a new program comes a brand new Adobe Animate course, due to launch late spring/early summer. This course is going to be a thorough, yet clear and concise, introduction to Adobe Animate and will serve two purposes: to improve your employability skills in the areas of web and graphic design as they relate to Adobe Animate, and to get you prepared to pass the Adobe Certified Associate in Multiplatform Animations using Adobe Animate CC exam and obtain your ACA in Animate.

How are we going to do this, you ask? First, we are going to cover animation terms and definitions and build a project in this course while focusing on these five major exam topics:

  • Setting Project Requirements
  • Understanding Rich Animated Media
  • Understanding Adobe Animate CC
  • Creating Rich Animated Media Content Using Animate CC
  • Testing, Publishing, and Evaluating Rich Animated Media Elements Using Animate CC

To cover these, we will have several (but not too many) hours of video training, pre-assessment and post-assessment tests, practice labs, and a project workbook full of practice exercises. All of these tools are here to, again, increase your employability prospects and help you obtain the Animate CC ACA certification.

Finally, for those of you wondering which version of Animate we will be covering, technically the course is going to be built for the latest certification offering, which is Animate CC 2015, but the course will work just as well for anyone trying to learn Animate CC 2017.