LearnKey Blog

Applying for Jobs in the Modern World

I’m going to be honest here, I absolutely despise job hunting. Sitting in interviews and going through the formalities stresses me out just thinking about it. When the job hunt begins, all kinds of questions run through my head; Am I dressed as professionally as I need to be? Will I come across as too professional, and seem fake? Do I have enough references on my résumé? These are all valid concerns, but according to a recent article by CareerBuilder, Job advice that was true 20 years ago, but not today, it may be unnecessary worry.

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LearnKey Launches OnlineExpert v6

Recently we launched the new version of our leaning management system, OnlineExpert v6. This new LMS features a totally redesigned and reworked interface, making several improvements to speed up and streamline managing your users.

Visit the OnlineExpert v6 info site for an interactive feature guide and more information about the new interface. You can read the full press release below:

LearnKey Launches Redesigned Learning Management System, OnlineExpert V6

St. George, UT- August 15, 2011- LearnKey, a global provider of self-paced training, proudly announces the release of OnlineExpert V6, their recently redesigned learning management system.

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My Certification Journey

It is always a daunting thing to update your resume, right there in a one page format you have to show what you know, who you know, what skills you have and prove why you should get a job over someone else. Talk about a self-esteem blow! Even with a stellar resume you begin to question “have I done enough in my life to make these people want to hire me?” or “what have I been doing for the last 20 years?”. Well if you’re like me, you have the education and job experience areas covered, but you stare at the section about skills and certifications and wonder, “What do I put here?” Certifications, what certifications? It is time to enhance that resume and improve your value to your company or potential company.

That’s right, I’m getting certified and you get to follow me on my journey. You get to hear about the highs and the lows, the aches and pains, the triumphs, and everything in between. Hopefully this will give you insight into the whole process of certifying and maybe provide you with some tips and tricks on how to do it successfully, using our training of course.

The first step is choosing which certification to get. For me I started thinking about all of the things I do here at LearnKey on a daily basis and what training and certification would improve my job performance and increase my value in the workplace. This led me to Word 2010, learning how to function better in Word will hopefully make me a more efficient employee. I use Word multiple times a day whether it is to write and edit press releases or create email messages so it is an important tool to my job. If however you are looking for employment and see the value in adding a certification to your resume it is important to think about what jobs you are seeking and the skills companies hiring in these areas might be looking for and then validate those skills with a certification. So I am off on my journey to certification, feel free to ask me questions or give tips for success. Wish me Luck!

Blended Professional Development for Teachers

The summer break is a great time for educators to get away and take a break from all of the stresses that come with being a teacher, but some educators use this time for professional development. Fortunately for you, keeping up on professional development does not have to mean a ruined summer.

Professional development has taken on new meaning for teachers across the world. Advancements in technology are made every day, and many are adapting these new tools to improve the learning environment for everyone. These technological upgrades make it essential for educators to stay abreast on new tools for education, and now more than ever before, it is important for teachers to keep current through professional development that is both effective and convenient.

Some states have started to integrate new methods of professional development, blending face to face classes with online courses, follow up training, and video training. These blended methods can be helpful because they can fit into the busy schedules educators have, and they appeal to multiple learning styles.

What method of professional development works best for you? Do you think blended methods are the best option? Does your school currently use a variety of methods for your professional development?

Training After the Recession

Hopefully by now the recession is working its way behind us, and now many trainers have the task of piecing together training programs that have suffered cuts. Many companies cut training throughout the recession, and now the training department has to figure out what their programs will look like going forward. Now that budgets are bouncing back, it is important to remember the recession moving forward.

It might be an automatic reaction to want to simply move back into the old ways and old habits, but it is important to remember not to. If recessions teach us anything, it’s how to do more with less, so one idea moving forward with your new budgets is to keep costs down and increase your course offerings with video-based training, instead of going back to in-person delivery methods. Many companies made cuts to travel and moved toward video-based training when the recession was at it’s worst, but it is important to consider video-based training moving forward as a more permanent program rather than a temporary fix.

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LearnKey’s Video Production Courses – What Are the Differences?

Are you looking for training to help you pass your Visual Communication using Premiere Pro CS5 ACA exam? Or maybe you aren’t looking to certify, but still want to learn the basics of video production? Either way, our new course releases have you covered.

We recently released 3 new courses: Video Production 101, Video Editing 101, and Premiere Pro CS5.

If you’re reading this post, you might be wondering which one is right for your needs. All three courses provide training on various aspects of video production, and all three are presented by expert Ryan James, but they are not meant to be purchased together. Video Production 101 takes you through the basics of video production, covering everything from storyboards to lighting and camera techniques. Video Editing 101 teaches you techniques used in the editing process, using programs like Adobe OnLocation, Premiere Pro CS5 and Adobe Media Encoder to create a finished product. Premiere Pro CS5 includes the topics in the previous two courses, but is geared to prepare you for the Visual Communication using Premiere Pro CS5 ACA exam.

So, depending on your goals, we suggest a couple different options.

Option 1: If you are looking for basic training for video production or video editing (one or the other, not both), you can purchase eitherVideo Production 101 or Video Editing 101 for $180.

Option 2: If you are looking for both of these training courses, or are looking to get your ACA certification, you can purchase Premiere Pro CS5, for $280. You get the same content used in the other two courses plus certification objectives for $80 less than if you bought them separately.

Basically, think of Video Production 101 and Video Editing 101 as the À la carte versions of the training, where Premiere Pro CS5 is the complete package.

Are Students Lacking in Tech Skills?

It sounds funny because most high school students these days could teach us all a lesson or two on how to Tweet, text, or use our iPads, but a recent survey says students are lacking tech skills to get them college and career ready. The survey found that 94% of students think technology skills will improve opportunities in their education and career, but only 39% think their high school is meeting technology expectations.  The study also found that the majority, 86% of students, use technology more outside of school. A large percentage of students said that they used technology to complete assignments, although less than half of teachers said they regularly assign homework that requires technology.

This study shows that students see the need for technology education, and they use technology on their own. So what do you see as the biggest hurdle schools face with classroom technology? Is it the lack of budget? Schools lack technology to serve students? Schools lack technical support? Technology is only used as a teaching tool and is not for students to use? Check out the survey to find out what others said and then let us know what you think.

Web Browsing Tips – Tab Groups

Personally, I usually use Chrome for the majority of my web browsing. Being LearnKey’s webmaster though, I need to at least have a copy of the major browsers around to test things, and I recently installed an update to Firefox 5. Our graphic designer Kari pointed out a pretty cool and useful feature Firefox recently added to their updates – Tab Groups.

Say you’re working on a few different projects at once, and you don’t want to mix up the different tabs you have open between projects. You could open a new browser window and separate them that way, but Firefox’s Tab Groups feature lets you keep it all in one window, and switch between groups easily. It’s fairly similar to the Spaces feature in Mac OS X.

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Premiere Pro CS5 with Ryan James

It’s time for another piece of the Adobe CS5 training puzzle – Premiere Pro CS5 featuring expert Ryan James. Not only is this course made to teach you how to use Premiere Pro CS5, but it walks you through the video creation method, from pre-production all the way to the final steps, all while preparing you to earn your ACA certification by passing the Visual Communication using Premiere Pro CS5 exam.

Find out more about our Premiere Pro CS5 course, or check out the video below for a preview.

Also, if you purchase this course on our website between now and June 30, you can receive 20% off by entering coupon code NEW20 at checkout. Coupon only applies to single-user web purchases.

Web Browsing Tips – Disable Compatibility View

When you work with websites for a living, you tend to pick up on the different quirks of all the web browsers. You know which ones have trouble with spacing, or which ones work better with certain Flash objects, and so on. For most people who don’t live their lives inside a web browser, it can be confusing – and that’s why we’re here to help!

Internet Explorer 8 and 9: “Compatibility View”

At first glance, you may see Compatibility View and feel the need to turn it on, or else your web experience might be glitchy and broken. That may have possibly been the case when IE8 was first released, but these days it does the exact opposite. To understand what I mean, there’s a few things about Internet Explorer you need to know.

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