LearnKey Blog

LearnCast Technologies

Hello, I’m back and for those of you who don’t know me I am a web developer here at LearnKey. Just recently I had an amazing opportunity to meet with the CEO of LearnCast, David Clemons, from whom I received an in depth introduction to their mobile learning platform in hopes to see how we could utilize their technology, and what they had to offer LearnKey.

What LearnCast provides is a platform where an educator or business manager can easily take video, audio or any kind of learning material and create their own course with quizzes, exams, and polls and then push them out to participants via SMS messaging or email.
They have the byline “Create, Distribute, Measure” which shows the emphasis they put on the result side of learning. After a poll, quiz or exam has taken place; the course creator can log into the admin and view specific results about how each participant interacted with the course. Also participants can view the live results in real time right from their phone as it’s happening! It was really cool to see David open up the admin and watch the graphs from the previous poll he’d created gracefully take shape.

This is a really cool tool that can provide a lot of value to the world of education. There is not an educator that I know of that would not want to use this. We are for sure going to be working with them and I am excited to see how we can utilize their technology with LearnKey training. So stay tuned for some sweet things on the horizon.

One thought on “LearnCast Technologies”

  1. Trevor –
    Thank you for the mention here . Our team is dedicated to creating a better learning experience for all learners,. The feedback we receive from our enterprise customers drives a real list of software feature wishes and new requirements. Its an exciting time to think we are at the beginning of a radical change from paper to the digital learner and transportable content on every desktop and mobile device. The beginning of something very big for all of us!

    Appreciate the comment here !

    Hey … are you a “LearnCaster” yet? 😉

    David Clemons

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